Rate your GERD symptoms using this
Patient Self-Assessment Questionnaire:
Included Contents
GERD Health-Related Quality of Life (GERD-HRQL) Questionnaire: Consists of 10 scaled items (the first 6 measuring heartburn), which are scored, and a general satisfaction question
Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) Questionnaire: Nine-item self-reported questionnaire measures laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) symptoms such as hoarseness, throat clearing and cough
GERD Symptom Score (GERSS) Questionnaire: Patient-reported assessment of five GERD symptoms: heartburn, regurgitation, bloating, dysphagia and epigastric/retrosternal pain
Chronic GERD (gastroesophageal reflux, aka "acid reflux disease") can lead to damage to the lining of the esophagus & can increase your risk of developing esophageal cancer over time.
Dr. Shah utilizes the most up-to-date, innovative technologies to detect early stages of pre-cancerous changes in the esophagus, called Barrett's esophagus.